Strange Town, A Friday Fictioneers Challenge

This is the photo prompt for this week’s Friday Fictioneer’s Challenge

Friday evening in a strange town. I’d eaten supper in a local diner. As I walked the bare, cold streets, I felt more alone than usual. Electric light bathed the sidewalks; I knew the discomfort of loneliness. Or was it simply the emptiness of this town? Its lack of soul mirrored my own failings. The stores were closed, the locals had headed home to their television shows, to their lives. Ah, if only the night could be made real. These streets to vanish! The desert to return, the wind to howl through the night, the coyote to walk in peace once more.

Author: Bumba

Shown on a recent visit to the Big Apple, Bumba has written two literary novels and has recorded two CD soundtrack albums to accompany them. Check it out on Bumba Books.

28 thoughts on “Strange Town, A Friday Fictioneers Challenge”

  1. The loneliness here is so beautifully evoked. I like the comparison of the lonely streets with the lonely soul. Very well done. You sure captured this better than i did.

  2. Lonely business streets certainly have a ghost town feeling, at least the coyote and desert reference brought my thinking into wild west ghost towns. Well done.

  3. Sometimes loneliness is simply being in the place that isn’t right for you. It wouldn’t matter if your best friend were there with you, you’d still feel lonely. I think you caught that.

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