Friday Fictioneers ———— Traffic

This week’s Friday Fictioneer’s photo prompt is a bit fishy. Go to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ excellent blog to see all the entries and to participate yourself. Why not? It’s fun.

Here is Bumba’s entry, which is even fishier than the picture.

As I drove along the 105 I pondered the phenomenon that everyone stayed in their lanes and obeyed all the rules. What with all the crazy, unmanageable, half-criminal types out there, you can nonetheless rely on them to stop at stop signs and red lights. It must be some universal conformity principle, some genetically ingrained social instinct that keeps them in line, keeps them from wandering too far…. Keeps us from….keeps us from ….from …..

Here the narrative is interrupted by the following police report:

Date 10/30/13: Man killed on 105 freeway. Cause of death: wandered out of lane.

Author: Bumba

Shown on a recent visit to the Big Apple, Bumba has written two literary novels and has recorded two CD soundtrack albums to accompany them. Check it out on Bumba Books.

20 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers ———— Traffic”

  1. Dangit. Now I’m wondering about the fish lanes, and whether they’re properly patrolled and monitored. Thanks for the thought and the good read.

  2. I can relate to the man in the story. I’ve often thought the same thing. Although I don’t wander out of my lane like he did. I also have thought about why people all agree to stand in line obediently at the grocery story but in this case I have been known to slyly crowd to the front. Great story!

  3. Interesting take on the fish story. My brother told me he once took LSD and wondered onto the Freeway in Los Angeles, of all places. He was terrified for a few minutes and then in his psychedelic haze, realised that the cars actually DID stay in their lanes. He wondered off at the next exit and lived to tell the tale.

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