Roll in My Sweet Baby’s Arms

card61Roll In My Sweet Baby’s Arms is one of my favorite songs to sing and play – and I hope you can get into it too. The Monroe Brothers first recorded it in the 1930’s. In all likelihood it’s a traditional one. Supposedly, it was written by Charlie Monroe, Bill’s brother. Flatt and Scruggs, Ricky Skaggs, Buck Owens and many others have recorded it. Click to hear Bumba and Maybank’s give it a shot, recorded earlier this week. Below are the lyrics with some commentary for the uninitiated.

Lyrics: Ain’t gonna work for the railroad. Ain’t gonna work on the farm. Gonna lay around the shack ’til the mail train comes back. Gonna roll in my sweet baby’s arms.

Commentary: Sounds like a respectable life style to me. Admittedly, this is not an overly ambitious set of goals. Not very high on morals or altruism. Sounds just right to me.

Lyrics: Where were you last Friday night when I was up in jail? You were walking the streets with another man and you wouldn’t even go my bail.

Commentary: Harsh reality sets in. Just kinda hits you. Sets ya on edge a bit. A dramatic twist of lemon, you might say. And now that we’re on the topic, I’ll take a nice twist of lemon with my next drink. Oh? You say lemon doesn’t go well with Thunderbird wine? Well, never mind.

Lyrics: Her Mommy is a ginny bread maker. Sister can weave and spin. Her Daddy’s got an interest in that old cotton mill. We just watch the old cotton roll in.

Commentary: Again, not overly ambitious. However, this is a situation most guys would be quite comfortabe with. I suppose this is a “guys” song, although I’m sure that many women could also appreciate layin’ around the shack til’ the mail train gets back.

Lyrics: Ain’t gonna work for the railroad. Ain’t gonna work on the farm. Gonna lay around the shack ’til the mail train comes back. Gonna roll in my sweet baby’s arms.

Author: Bumba

Shown on a recent visit to the Big Apple, Bumba has written two literary novels and has recorded two CD soundtrack albums to accompany them. Check it out on Bumba Books.

4 thoughts on “Roll in My Sweet Baby’s Arms”

  1. Ah, the Ryman is the Opry. What a treat . I saw Doc not long ago when he was about 80 yrs old out in a shiny modern auditorium in CA. He was wonderful of course.

  2. Love it. One of my favorite as well. I saw Doc at the Ryman once years ago…….. I am grateful for the place he left with my heart. ~ Ever with love, Stephen. ~ Bobbie

  3. Those guys are so effing good! It’s such a pleasure to see them too. Thanks Frizz. I have the CD of that concert. They are just brilliant musicians (of the highest order?). Me and Maybank and you too are just plucking around here and there. But if we prompt people to explore this music then we are doing a mitzvah of sorts.

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