As I Rode On The Bus #25

IMG_1116Yikes! This is #25 of the As I Sat On The Bus thing. Bumba thanks the brave bloggers who have contributed to this remarkable mass transportation series, and invites one and all to make a contribution to the AISOTB Compendium and to ride the bus every now and then.

Bumbastories environmental engineers have made a rough estimate that if everyone in the (over) developed industrialized nations reduced their energy use by 20% – that means everyone uses 20% less gasoline, electricity, natural gas (also 20% less water, plastic, and paper – all of that reduction, this 20% to 22% reduction, which is indeed easily do-able without much sacrifice by anyone who claims to be worried about global warming and pollution – would make a significant difference. Bumbastories environmental engineers figure the price of a gallon of gasoline would go down by 35 to 40%, not to mention the lower doctor bills.

Ride the bus one day a week, find inspiration for an blog article.

In any case……

As I sat on the #20 bus rattling with the others up Wilshire Blvd, I thought: “What ever shall I write of next? This whole riding on the bus thing is getting a bit long in the tooth.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll think of something” a voice told me.IMG_1117

No sooner had these exact words “don’t worry, you’ll think of something” run across my mind, that a unique occurrence, an epiphany of sorts played out before my very eyes. Or rather the epiphany played out behind me. From the rear seat of the bus a young man had taken out his guitar and launched into a perfect rendition – indeed it was almost an exact copy – of Marcel Marceau’s famous 1962 recording of the Hank Williams hit Lovesick Blues

At this point I noticed that Bumba was making a quick escape from this week’s AISOTB Invitational, as he hopped off at the next stop. I myself stayed on the bus and heard the song till the end. It was OK, but I thought Marcel Marceau sung it better.

Author: Bumba

Shown on a recent visit to the Big Apple, Bumba has written two literary novels and has recorded two CD soundtrack albums to accompany them. Check it out on Bumba Books.

17 thoughts on “As I Rode On The Bus #25”

  1. Ah, the bus. A guitar song doesn’t sound bad at all.

    I rode it for several months one summer when gas prices got too much to afford my commute. It can be an interesting setting for ideas, that’s for sure! (There were a few “off” people that worried me a bit, but for the most part, it was peaceful!)

  2. As I sat on the bus, I realized something. I hurry here only to get off and later in the evening, to hurry back. I feel like my life is no better than a hamster’s in a flywheel. I’m gonna reincarnate as a cat.

    Bye bye hamster 👿

  3. Gee, I wish more people would sing and talk like Marcel Marceau on the bus and train… however, since I purchased my noise cancelling earbuds public transportation has become a lot more Marceau-ish…

  4. If ever I get writers’ block, I take a bus ride. Nothing better to open up the imagination. Even braved a few cross county bus ride, so I have a lifetime of ideas.

  5. As you may remember, I used to be a bus driver. During many humdrum hours behind the wheel I kept hoping the Koch brothers would step off a curb so I could, with one magnificent whoops, end global warming. Alas, someone had apparently warned them about my route.

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