
This week’s Friday Fictioneers’ photo prompt for a 100 word story is a photo of someone’s boots.

Inspired by Nancy Sinatra’s “These boots are made for walking and that’s just what they’ll do”, Bumba wrote the following. Please see Friday Fictioneers’ host Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for more stories and info on how to enter the Fictioneers’ Fun.

Winston was excited about his beautiful, new boots. He gazed at them lovingly. His plan was to finally scale Lawson’s Peak, the 12,000 foot-high mountain just outside of town. It was #1 on his bucket list – something he had always said he would do. Now that he was retired there was nothing to stop him.

“Winston!!” called Marjorie Plant, Winston’s wife.

“Winston! Winston! Do you hear me?”

“Yeah?” he finally called back.

“Winston. How long you gonna keep those damn boots out there on the porch?”

“No problem, dear.”

Winston reached down, laced up the boots and headed for the mountain.

Author: Bumba

Shown on a recent visit to the Big Apple, Bumba has written two literary novels and has recorded two CD soundtrack albums to accompany them. Check it out on Bumba Books.

29 thoughts on “Boots”

  1. Dear Stephen,

    Apparently Winston’s boots were made for climbing. Good for him for pursuing a dream.



    PS Ralph Fiennes is a most excellent choice for the movie. 😉

  2. Our master steps on us. We suffer prickly thorns; drown in muddy waters; and once, even took the startled sting from a cobra’s fangs. We did not mind all of this. Then, one day we trudged through dog crap! Whew! It took us sometime to live down that stink.

    All these months, we never thought of running away. We could not, even if we wanted to – for he had us laced tight.

    We wait outside, our sheen long gone and replaced with folds and cracks.

    We wonder what new trails and trials await us.

    Our soles are worn and tired.

        1. Dear Stephen and Rochelle,

          I’m humbled by your invitations. Please forgive me when I decline as I fear and plead time constraints.

          Stephen, you know that I’ve progressively reduced my daily blogging down to thrice per week. This just about accords me the time to visit and post (hopefully) well thought comments on blogs that I follow and also to respond with due consideration to comments posted on my blog.

          However, as and when I snatch the time and/or inspiration whacks me on the head I’ll post my contribution for FF prompts in any of the fine blogs I follow – many of whom are with Friday Fictioneers.

          All good wishes,

        2. Understood. As you know, even after compromising on the everyday another story schedule, and even after using songs and silly jokes sometimes, and even – yes – after abandoning the burden of the cement elephants, I’m still trying to cut back on this blog stuff. Theoretically, if I cut it back enough, what’s left will be good.

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