Up a Tree (Friday Fictioneers)

This week’s Friday Fictioneers’ 100 word story Invitational presents this photo of a dog up a tree. Check out Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ blog to see the other entries, which are pretty good this week. The idea is to write a 100 word story with a beginning, a middle, and an end, which Bumba did not exactly do, but since it’s a dog talking you can’t expect too much narrative – unless you want to hear a long tale.

Don’t ask me how I got up here. I can’t talk anyway because I’m a dog. A dog up a tree.

It ain’t so bad up here by the way. In fact, I kinda like it.

I can see into the neighbors yard. They left a plate of cookies on the patio table. Hmm. I can also scope out those squirrels that have been on my mind. I can look down on people instead of the usual state of affairs. Not bad. But all good things come to an end, including this little story about… what was it about anyway?

Author: Bumba

Shown on a recent visit to the Big Apple, Bumba has written two literary novels and has recorded two CD soundtrack albums to accompany them. Check it out on Bumba Books.

31 thoughts on “Up a Tree (Friday Fictioneers)”

  1. A dog doesn’t need to have a point and in that, fits in with a lot of humans anyway. Hope he got the cookies. I’ve been reading all the comments on the NSA and have to laugh. I’m in the UK and have a cat. When she goes out she wears a special collar with a tracking device attached. I can track her down with a little unit that makes her tag bleep and I’m just wondering what my neighbours must think is going on! Thanks for the laugh! Ann

  2. I love this…………and I love that image too. Funny how that dog doesn’t appear to be the least bit interested in coming down (wow…..I can really see a lot from up here)……… 🙂 Happy New Year, precious man!

    1. Eric said the dog is an NSA plant – which doesn’t make sense. Because if he was a plant, why would he need a tree? Yes, it remains a great puzzlement how the dog got up the tree.

  3. It gets increasingly difficult to defend this country from people who wish us ill. Now we need court orders before we can spy on you through light bulbs, toasters and laptops.


    However, if there is a will, we will find the way. As most homes have dogs – with tags.

    Which court would ever believe a dog could climb trees – and actually works for the NSA.

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