
The Blues

The Blues. The 12 -bar blues. I wrote a new blues song! Of course there’s nothing ever new about the blues, but it’s fun to work on it. I used two tracks, which is also fun. And now that I do the math, that’s to say count, I’d have to call it an 8-bar blues. But after the third or fourth bar I lose count. It’s called Gonna Sing Away The Blues

Staggering right along (after a couple more bars) the second song here is definitely not a new blues. It’s one ot the oldest! Easy Rider, also called CC Rider, which is no relation to the CC IND local or to the A Train for that matter (pardon the New York mass transportation references). Easy Rider is played here with the sparse use of just two chords – which is how Leadbelly did it. Leadbelly is the great master of the blues so I would check him out if you’ve never heard him. Meanwhile you can click on Bumba doing Easy Rider on two tracks (sorry, no train)

Author: Bumba

Shown on a recent visit to the Big Apple, Bumba has written two literary novels and has recorded two CD soundtrack albums to accompany them. Check it out on Bumba Books.

6 thoughts on “Blues”

  1. Is this a test? Not only no train, but I don’t hear anything when I hit play (and my speakers are turned up to Mars)…….. 🙂 But in my head, Stephen, you sound just right.

    1. Yes it was a test. But only for teachers. It works when I play it. Thanks for visiting, Bobbie, and for trying to listen. The song I’m working on still needs more work anyway.

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