Monday Magazine ——–August 11, 2014.

image Welcome to this week’s Bumbastories Monday Magazine Section

Featured this week on the magazine are a new Funny Pages section, the old familiar AISOTB essay, a book review, a special Music Review, and a suggestion box for amendments to United States Constitution.


Now for some Funny Pages!images-2 DSCN0365
Digging deep into the Bumbastories archives ……..

Inspirational Fruits and Vegetables

A picture tells a thousand words…. And that’s probably a couple of hundred more words than anyone wanted to hear in the first place… All the same, the wisdom of fresh produce remains a source of inspiration (and roughage) for the poet and green grocer alike! Here are two inspirational and (thankfully) very brief poems:

I know a fruit and I ain’t tellin’

But there’s no hiding a


I don’t care what food you eat

There’s one vegetable that can’t be




Chuckle, chuckle. Mon Dieu. That was presque tres drole. Bumba’s humor can’t be beat!








and now an AISOTB:

From the Back of the Bus


As I sat at the back of the nearly-empty bus, the fact imagethat I was going home continued to wash over me in waves. In my head I heard The Band singing

“Oh, to be home again.

With my very best friend.

They call him Rag-Time Willie”.

Oh to be home again. I was really going to be back in my house, back in those familiar rooms. I leaned forward and grasped the handrail of the empty seat in front of me. My parents, older for sure, would be there to greet me at the door. Yes. At long last I was headed home.



This week’s featured book is Joseph Campbells’s The Mythic ImageIMG_0180

This magnificent coffee table book is a fine introduction to Campbell’s work and to his fascinating field of study: Comparative Mythology. The combination of Campbell’s incisive discourse together with beautifully formatted illustrations and high quality reproductions is a special treat. As Campbell himself states in the Preface to the 1974 hardcover edition:

“My thanks for the extraordinary beauty of this volume, giving satisfaction to my wish that the reader should take delight in its art, are to Miss M. J Abadie, whose own art, skill, and loyal devotion through many trials and difficulties made possible a book in which the verbal and pictoral strains can be experienced simultneously, in accord.”

This book is so rich it could take me years to finish. I will not even try to review it. Only to recommend it. And to recommend Mr. Campbell to anyone interested in serious reading and stimulating thought and meditation.

My thanks to Ste J. who lit a fire under my you-know-what and got me interested in ol’ Joe Campbell again.



Music Review

Paul sings Let It Be and Dodger Stadium lights up (on their cell phones).

Lucky for me that our editor Bumba was busy editing and that George Packard, our roving reporter, was out roving someplace. Because it was I, Stephen Baum, who drew the choice assignment of covering the Paul McCartney concert at Dodger Stadium. I’d never seen Sir Paul perform before so…WOW. The view at Dodger Stadium did not lend to intimacy. Ticket prices were exhorbitant, even for the nose-bleed seats, but no complaints from this reporter. The 70 years young Paul and his band were in top form, playing McCartney hits for three hours straight. What with the pyrotechnics on the Live and Let Die number and the fireworks at the final curtain, it was a great show. Truly, the amazing Paul McCartney is a treasure.




And finally, a suggestion box for the Americans in the audience. And for the non-Americans/illegals/wetbacks/internationalists and other lost souls/bloggers out there. Instead of taking to arms (which nobody is going to do I don’t think) let’s put on our thinking caps and draft a couple of amendments to the U.S Constitution. Send ’em in via the comments section and then we’ll see about drafting a petition, and then…Well, maybe a couple more drafts.images-7






Author: Bumba

Shown on a recent visit to the Big Apple, Bumba has written two literary novels and has recorded two CD soundtrack albums to accompany them. Check it out on Bumba Books.

9 thoughts on “Monday Magazine ——–August 11, 2014.”

  1. They don’t call me a virtual pyromaniac for no reason…I am up for getting the lavish book mentioned and then taking up the review challenge.

  2. Amendments huh…. The first and foremost ‘amendment’ ought to be respect. Yep that r-e-s-p-e-c-t towards every living being [ourselves included] or not. The rest I believe would follow naturally. 🙂
    Happy Monday, my friend! 🙂

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