Keep On Playin’ That Country Music and Try These Books On For Size

Willie Morton, one of the characters in my One Life and The Phantom Speaks books, always says: “Just keep on playin’ that country music”. I keep saying the same thing myself. It’s funny how you learn from your characters. In any case, to “keep on playin that country music” is sound advice, and I try to follow it.  So……..

Now, if you want to read more about Willie, or about Chester Knowles, or about any of the other characters in my books The Phantom Speaks or More in the Lives of Chester Knowles and/or One Life or the Lives of Chester Knowles – all of which have been reviewed very positively, and are easy reads with a lot of country music thrown in – please click here. (I just thought I would throw in a little plug for my books)

Author: Bumba

Shown on a recent visit to the Big Apple, Bumba has written two literary novels and has recorded two CD soundtrack albums to accompany them. Check it out on Bumba Books.

9 thoughts on “Keep On Playin’ That Country Music and Try These Books On For Size”

    1. I need an idea. I’ve tried just continuing the Chester stories, but have no direction with it, no new characters. I’ve always avoided making characters and action from family or people I know/people who would be pissed off if they were so exposed. And, above all, I’ve always avoided telling about myself. So I guess I need an idea. And time, and strength, you know I’m an old fella after all. But you’ve been writing, so follow that. You could use the blog to try stuff, which you’ve been doing. But I imagine you’re working on a major novel. Cheers and thanks for your reviews – which remain amongst the best ones I received, in fact it’s the only one.

      1. The idea is always the hardest thing, not that can say that with authority, not actually having finished anything. I have notes for a book but I am not sure if it is too ambitious for me to complete. In fact I have three ideas but the one furthest along is getting complex. I will endeavour to do a post about your books soon, and link people here.

        1. I have you down for a trilogy. Yesterday watched a bit of a new tv version of les misérables. Now that was an idea! We mortals have to do the best we can.

        2. I’m always suspicious of trilogies, I had an idea for a book that morphed to three books, and then four. I like the idea of four more, if I manage to complete it. Les Mis, now that is an achievement!

        3. Yes four is a good number. But you know the old AA (authors anonymous) bromide “one book at a time”.

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