Another Blues “Original”

I ain’t much of a songwriter. I admit it. Many moons ago I wrote a couple of good ones. Once or twice I made a cassette tape and sent it to a music publisher. This was in the days they had cassette tapes. I believe I received a polite rejection letter. Nowadays, I barely write songs anymore. All the same, sometimes, when I’m playing guitar or piano, a good lyric comes along.  Anyway, there’s nothing new or original when it comes to the blues. Here’s one that I started to play a year or two ago –  It’s called Evening Train Blues. It’s a happy blues.


I’ve pontificated on the blues and on the three chord progression in earlier posts, so no need to go through all that stuff again. All that stuff about tradition and simplicity. But, I will remind everyone to keep their spirits up, and “keep playin’ that country music”.

Author: Bumba

Shown on a recent visit to the Big Apple, Bumba has written two literary novels and has recorded two CD soundtrack albums to accompany them. Check it out on Bumba Books.

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