
This week’s Friday Fictioneers’ photo prompt for a 100 word story is a photo of someone’s boots.

Inspired by Nancy Sinatra’s “These boots are made for walking and that’s just what they’ll do”, Bumba wrote the following. Please see Friday Fictioneers’ host Rochelle Wisoff-Fields for more stories and info on how to enter the Fictioneers’ Fun.

Winston was excited about his beautiful, new boots. He gazed at them lovingly. His plan was to finally scale Lawson’s Peak, the 12,000 foot-high mountain just outside of town. It was #1 on his bucket list – something he had always said he would do. Now that he was retired there was nothing to stop him.

“Winston!!” called Marjorie Plant, Winston’s wife.

“Winston! Winston! Do you hear me?”

“Yeah?” he finally called back.

“Winston. How long you gonna keep those damn boots out there on the porch?”

“No problem, dear.”

Winston reached down, laced up the boots and headed for the mountain.