October Magazine

imageAs I sat on the bus, the idea of another Bumbastories Magazine, this time for the month of October, ran through my mind, such as it is.

The recent news events have me in a whirl. This week’s shooting in Roseburg, Oregon is so troubling. I heard clips of President Obama’s speech. I share his anger, and I’m glad to see he’s finally showing some balls. It’s criminal what the NRA and Republicans have been doing to the United States. It’s screamingly obvious that the number of deaths and tragedies could be significantly reduced with some strong gun control legislation and better mental health services. The Second Amendment is obsolete; they exploit it. The right to bear arms, to defend yourself and to be free from arbitrary government searches should not extend to the right to possess assault weapons and to hunt deer with AK 47s. It’s unnerving that the weapons manufacturers have so much power.

The refugee crises, the goings-on in the U.N., the Pope’s magnificent visit to the U.S. There’s been a lot of news. There are occasional  moments of grace and of hope (What a pope!), but overall, it don’t look good, sports fans.

Let’s move on.

Here’s a Sing Along, Let It Be

Next and lastly, a brief Report from Bumbastories Magazine Roving Reporter George Packard. IMG_1572

George Packard, roving reporter for Bumbastories was still out there roving, looking for a news scoop. He noticed that the price of gasoline had dropped to under three dollars for the first time in almost a year. No scoop there, thought George. Everybody can see the signs (see sign above). Except for the fact that the price of crude oil has fallen over 50% in the past few months! The math isn’t right, is it? You’d figure a 50% drop would cause a decrease larger than a fifteen or twenty, right? Still, it’s good that the price of oil is falling, mused George. For over the long run it will fall, as people learn to conserve a bit and as other clean energy sources are developed. Shell Oil abandonned their $5 billion Arctic drilling project. It just ain’t worth it for them. The price of oil is going down. That’s for sure, thought George. But the way the price gets fixed, that algorithm that gets slapped together on somebody’s calculator, or maybe in that plush conference room, yeah, that would be a scoop, thought George.



As I Rode On The Bus #25

IMG_1116Yikes! This is #25 of the As I Sat On The Bus thing. Bumba thanks the brave bloggers who have contributed to this remarkable mass transportation series, and invites one and all to make a contribution to the AISOTB Compendium and to ride the bus every now and then.

Bumbastories environmental engineers have made a rough estimate that if everyone in the (over) developed industrialized nations reduced their energy use by 20% – that means everyone uses 20% less gasoline, electricity, natural gas (also 20% less water, plastic, and paper – all of that reduction, this 20% to 22% reduction, which is indeed easily do-able without much sacrifice by anyone who claims to be worried about global warming and pollution – would make a significant difference. Bumbastories environmental engineers figure the price of a gallon of gasoline would go down by 35 to 40%, not to mention the lower doctor bills.

Ride the bus one day a week, find inspiration for an blog article.

In any case……

As I sat on the #20 bus rattling with the others up Wilshire Blvd, I thought: “What ever shall I write of next? This whole riding on the bus thing is getting a bit long in the tooth.”

“Don’t worry. You’ll think of something” a voice told me.IMG_1117

No sooner had these exact words “don’t worry, you’ll think of something” run across my mind, that a unique occurrence, an epiphany of sorts played out before my very eyes. Or rather the epiphany played out behind me. From the rear seat of the bus a young man had taken out his guitar and launched into a perfect rendition – indeed it was almost an exact copy – of Marcel Marceau’s famous 1962 recording of the Hank Williams hit Lovesick Blues

At this point I noticed that Bumba was making a quick escape from this week’s AISOTB Invitational, as he hopped off at the next stop. I myself stayed on the bus and heard the song till the end. It was OK, but I thought Marcel Marceau sung it better.

The Story of the P’s (#2)

Prof Dejean continues:

…..The PPP’s, the Large Projected Personality profiles, once implemented, enabled the Grid to have nearly total control. For no new grid systems could be introduced once personality and free will (to use the old 20th century term) were deleted.

The PPP’s

Surprisingly, only 4 axes were necessary to account for – or rather to create – all of the personality types necessary, i.e., all the IBM’s (individual behavior modes) or personalities in the majority of the world for most of the 21st century. To wit: the depressed/appetitive axis, the compliant/creative axis, the body-type/neuro-hierarchical axis, and then the social identification/self-image axis. Once the four axes were positioned, their convergences in 4-time revealed, or rather created, the Large P’s. And then quickly the PPP’s, the triple P’s, the large Projected Personality Profiles materialized. And the PPP’s could be generated on an 8-chip (as they are to this day).

By 2050, the P’s had become so completely dominant, so completely a part of people’s lives, that people — and there were nearly eight billion in the northern hemisphere alone — these people didn’t really know “themselves” in the way that we do today. As a footnote, I might add that the word “themselves” had a different meaning in the last century and specifically referred to “a group’s identification with a product or object” (according to the WikiDictionary, 2050 edition).

Since all personality functions were already pre-determined or pre-set by the PPP’s, self-awareness became unnecessary, and indeed it was highly problematic. In fact, self-awareness was considered “downright harmful” – according to Senator Jenkins of Mississippi, who drafted the North America No Awareness Act of 2047. Psychiatric admissions and criminal “holds” on individuals with vestigial awarenesses had already overwhelmed the mental health system for several decades. The simple and elegant solution (or so it seemed at the time) was to finally allow the Grid to just absorb all individual awareness.

Thus, in 2052, the Grid generated its own authorization to remove all individual awarenesses and to store them on the Grid Operating System – with a huge upsurge of power obviously. Ironically, the awareness upsurge together with the Grid’s tendency to want to grow and further extend itself was soon the Grid’s undoing. In any case, by 2056 or thereabouts, the human race no longer retained any awareness that hadn’t been soaked up by the Grid. Consequently, our predecessors – our grandmas and grandpas – no longer retained any awareness that they possessed personalities or personas. Because all they were were personae, or projections – which had been downloaded. It was a simple process really, the downloading.

Click here to go to Story of the P’s #3

On The Other Hand

Here’s to Randy Travis, who was my re-introduction to the Country-Western music in one of my previous lifetimes. I’m putting this post out to introduce this lovely song to those who don’t know it, to invite others to sing it, (you could sing along as you read it, why not????) and to check out Randy Travis’ early stuff on their own. This one is one of my favorites of his. It was written by Don Schlitz and Paul Overstreet. Randy has a wonderful voice, and its silly of me to release my own recording of it, but it came out OK, if you can ignore the singing and some of the playing.  Click play to hear

The Story of the P’s (#1)


The Story of the P’s    

with Introduction and Explanatory Notes by

            Dr. Lionel Dejean 

a short story by Stephen Baum


Bumbastories Inc. have obtained the following files which we hereby release to public view. They were sent to us by  a retired schoolteacher who calls himself George Packard. Packard claims that these files were transmitted to him via the medium of nano-wave, and the claim is that they come from the year 2125. Our own technicians have yet to fully understand how this transmission across time was performed. But having nonetheless fully transcribed all of the files, we proudly publish the following story in its entirety.

The story is called The Journey of John Marshall, which apparently is (or will be) a well-known saga or movie-legend for the people of the 22nd century.

 The actual story is preceded in the transmission by the following Historical Introduction, which appears to be a neuro-recording of a lecture delivered in the “Second Summer, 2125” to a class of university ”firsties”, or freshmen, history students. The lecture is by Dr. Lionel Dejean, who is, or will be, a prominent and highly respected historian of the early 22nd century.

 Delivered as an audio-line lecture-series to a class of American History 101 students, Dr. Dejean’s introduction and variously interjected explanatory notes and remarks, albeit pedantic and heavy-handed, nonetheless serve to provide a useful overview of some of the major themes of 21st century American history. Also, Dr. Dejean’s remarks serve (we hope) as a sort of introduction and guide to our story: The Journey of John Marshall.

We apologize in advance for Dr. Dejean’s instructional style. It appears that college professors of the future turn out to be no less pompous and stuffy than the present lot.


Historical Introduction by Prof. Lionel Dejean

It was almost precisely one hundred and one years ago – in the first quarter of the year 2024 – that the large P’s were first isolated. According to our best estimates, the small personality profiles (the small p’s) were first introduced into all Grid marketing operations and were plotted for the first time onto the early Net-Grid in 2017 (according to Ginsberg. 2118). But judging from the available disc and archeological data – and this, I must emphasize, is my own, personal judgment – the actual discovery of the large P’s was an entirely serendipitous event. Yes students, it appears that many of the momentous events in our recorded history are simple chance occurences.

In any case, the small p’s had been too data-rich, too heavy. A dead-end had been reached. Thus it was that once the 21st century hi-tech institutions (the HTI’s) extended the convergences of the small p symmetries – and then afterwards when they traced the additional convergences that were revealed with the mapping of the additional dimensions – the large P’s emerged. They virtually jumped off the screen!

Of course, screens in the beginning of the last century were actual physical screens and they were quite massive in many cases. Thus, we can understand that the emergence of the large P’s was made especially dramatic or “large”. Thus the name, or is that obvious? Additionally, the speaker modules were simply gargantuan compared to today’s nano-links and implants. However, we must not forget that back in the early 21st century, technology had yet to evolve to sub-atomic chips. The present generation of 5D environments and four-generation mind-tunnels were still unknown. I mention the technology because it is important for us to understand and to appreciate the impact of electronics in general on our history as a species, and in particular the impact that this original piece of technology, this creation of the triple P’s, actually had upon our grandfathers’ generation. It was clearly a milestone in history. Therefore it is very important that we tell this particular story. And, I must add, it is always (and in all cases to the best of my knowledge) a valid and noble enterprise to study history and to obtain a proper understanding of one’s place in this universe.

Unfortunately, our study of the 21st century is fraught with difficulties due to the destruction of records and files that occurred in the various wars and insurrections. But aside from the physical destruction, I must add, and quite notably too, that we have almost no credible commentary from the historians or scholars of the early and middle 21st century. And that is because there were almost no independent or “unconnected” historians left! Morgenstern* has rightly termed the 21st century the “Second Dark Ages”. The Grid, which by 2038 had become the dominant Net hook-up, was indeed a sort of black hole. Indeed, the Grid mimicked the galactic black holes in that the Grid absorbed and saved all input. Once everyone was connected to the Grid, independent thought disappeared.

Prof. Wilson of Greenland University has cited the “commercialized academic establishment” and the “psychology of mercantilism” that obviously were essential to the development of the early net-grid in the beginning of the 21st century. But once established, the Grid automatically channeled all thought and energy toward its own maintenance. The Grid was its own raison d’etre, as it were. In any case, reliable academic work by historians (and by all scientists in all fields for that matter) effectively ceased in the early years of the 21st century.

Now, since the revolution of 2068 we have resumed our study of history, of course. But it is clear to us now that the years of the late 20th and early 21st centuries were indeed a sort of Dark Ages in our peoples’ history. Indisputably, many remarkable advances were made in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, especially in chip technology and in time management/travel. And certainly the construction of the Grid was a formidable accomplishment. We cannot forget that. But the study of history, as well as any other pure scientific study of any kind, was not exactly encouraged by the Grid, to put it mildly. Pure academic study, as I say, essentially atrophied in the early 21st century. It is all quite regrettable, I suppose.

But to continue: By 2050 the first generation of computers as well as the old capitalist system of economics had reached its logical end. A new mythology, a new set of directions, a new orientation for the world-system, was needed. Consumerism, and the economics of constant growth could only go so far. The earth’s crust had been plundered and already lay half-barren. The world’s consumers, the human population base – 99% of whom were either connected to the Grid or otherwise under the “unanimity umbrella” – had been stimulated and out-wired for nearly three generations to want more and more consumer items. The physical health of the species together with their productive capacity – their ability to work – degenerated — just as the earth and the natural environment was becoming less and less able to sustain them. Eventually the whole machine was bound to run out of energy. And it did. But the creation of a new mythology is an arduous and lengthy process. It takes time to grow, time to take root.

Of course, the Grid was programmed to observe the onset of any new mythology and to thwart it. According to some revisionist historians, the Grid responded to that threat in the year 2040 by generating the PPP’s. My personal opinion, as I mentioned earlier, is that the discovery of the large P’s was serendipitous. In any case, the Grid was effectively rescued or extended for another twenty years by the P’s – nearly another human generation.

The PPP’s, the large projected personality profiles, once implemented, enabled the Grid to have nearly total control. For no new grid systems could be introduced once personality and free will (to use the old 20th century term) were deleted.

(Prof. Dejean’s Introduction, and the Story of the P’s/The Saga of John Marshall to follow)

Click here to go to Story of the P’s #2

Packard Continues (Intro to Story of the P’s)

Note (warning) to the reader: This post, which follows the post George Packard Writes of 4/27/12 may be a bit confusing, since it introduces the text of the Story of the P’s which will be serialized on these very Bumbastories blog pages. The story begins with the next blog (above) and I’ve numbered the installments after that, so maybe it will be clear. Let me know if this is working or not. Thanks.

George Packard, retired schoolteacher, continued with his Story of the P’s.

George resumed the story with a haiku:

Luxuriant and moist/The grasses of the meadow/Stretched before him

The woman, Rozina, was already far ahead, forging a path through the tall grasses of Tuolumne Meadows. She had recovered fully from her injury and walked well now. They had come down from Reno by foot, and now had passed through the crumbled old gates of Yosemite National Park. They had camped the night before just before the top of the Tioga Pass; it had been a difficult night because of the cold. But now they had descended into the glorious meadows and high grasslands of the Tuolumne….

George Packard Writes (Intro to Story of the P’s)

George Packard was also a writer. He had several books he was working on, all unfinished. George lacked discipline.

All of his mother’s and grandmother’s rules and instructions had gone for naught – all their scoldings and conditions and threats had just passed over his head – or perhaps harmlessly through his youthful grey matter.. In fact George could still remember that, as a child, he learned to avoid his mother and grandmother as much as he could. George stayed busy at school, away from the house. He stayed late at school and played baseball or basketball much of the time. He avoided them, and obeyed their instructions only when he absolutely had to. Mentally he had always been free of them. In sports, and in study of science and history George had other worlds to inhabit, better worlds.

In short, George was short on discipline.

So when he decided that Wednesday morning that he was going to sit down and write, and furthermore that he was going to resume a regimen of writing every morning, he knew that he would have to work hard to maintain his resolve. Thus it was with considerable effort, and a bit of a heavy mind, that he sat down at the computer keyboard to write that spring morning.

George had in mind a science fiction novella. It was to be called The Story of the P’s.

In it, a man named John Marshall in the year of 2167 saves the world from the tyranny of the Grid – an outcropping of the cyber-revolution.  Marshall is not “connected”, he is not connected to the Grid. By 2167, most everyone is “connected” via  their PPP’s, their Projected Personality Profiles.

Marshall, who is sort of a noble savage, together with another “unconnected” woman, Rozina, set out to save the world……..

George had John Marshall and Rozina fleeing from “the securities”, literally heading for the hills, the mountains. ………And there he was stuck. He didn’t know just how to proceed.

If You Lose Your Money

This one is a Sonny Terry and Brownie McGee song, and it’s a wonderful song to my mind. If you’re not familiar with Sonny Terry and Brownie McGee, then check out this song. If you are familiar with the Sonny and Brownie, well then check it out anyway. It’s a very straight blues with a wonderful lyric.

If you lose your money please don’t you lose your mind/If you lose your money please don’t you lose your mind/If you lose your woman please don’t fool with mine.

First woman that I loved last one I ever will

First woman that I loved

last one I ever will

Love is somethin that can get somebody killed.

So if you lose your money please don’t you lose your mind/If you lose your money please don’t lose your mind/But if you lose your woman, please don’t fool with mine

Come rain, come sunshine from the sky above

Come rain come sunshine from the sky above

If I’m a fool I’m a fool about the one I love