As I Sat On The Bus (#27) or Advice to Love-Lorn Writers

IMG_1223As I was sitting on the bus and waiting calmly for the inspiration to write to rise from the depths and wash over me (as it usually does when I sit on the bus), as I was sitting there, I had the realization that perhaps I could seek inspiration and perhaps obtain an even higher level of inspiration from another activity or venue. Depending on the buses for inspiration was so plebian, and, let us be frank, quite a dull way to obtain “inspiration”.

Yes! I would seek inspiration from…….

……Well, let’s consider the choices:

1. I could seek inspiration from Love. Ahh, how wonderful that would be!
2. I could seek inspiration to write and to live from the Beauty of the World. Ahh again!
3. I could seek inspiration from the Lord the Creator. Ahh and Amen, brother!
4. I could seek inspiration from the Grandeur of the Universe. Ahh again! Double Ahh!

There were clearly some viable and some very well-established avenues of inspiration open to me. There were clear alternatives to my artistic and philosophical dependency on buses and other modes of mass transportation.

A voice said from the back of my head:

“Think it over, Bumba. It’s not a bad idea. You could forget about the buses. You could even forget about writing for a while. You could engage in what they call Life for a while. Life, in and of itself can be pretty inspiring I’ve heard say.”

“Never!!!” I responded.

However, as I sat on the bus I began to consider my choices……IMG_1224

Cosmic Categories

Everyone knows here are only two types of people. There are people who like chocolate ice cream, and there are those who chose vanilla. It’s like East and West: the twain shall never meet. I mean, who would ever put hot fudge on cherry vanilla? Or strawberry syrup on top of butter pecan?

We’re talking about two separate worlds.

Color-coded, the two classes are the browns and the blues vs. the reds and the pinks, with the yellows holding some sort of middle ground. Musically, you have the clefs of A, E, D, F#, and C as separate from the E flats, G’s and B flats.

The baseball world has recognized this natural dichotomy by delineating the National and American Leagues.

In politics, you have the Republicans and the Democrats. It’s hard to find too many Independents.

There are people who leave the toilet seat up, and those who leave it down when they are finished. There are people who use Macintosh computers, and those who are IBM compatible.

There are those who have read to the bottom of this page, like you it seems, and then there are those who aren’t quite so foolish. But don’t feel bad. The punchline is “Everybody has to be someplace”.