As I Sat On the Bus (#28) ——–Is this world an illusion?

IMG_1230As I sat on the bus I thought of finer moments: places and people from not too long ago. Why, it seemed like only yesterday I was out on the trail, the wild canyons calling to me…..IMG_1228


Was this world all a dream? Was I really on the bus? Was I really in that canyon, or was it just in my mind? I heard the sound of a beautiful old country song. What was real?
A voice inside of my head said:

“It’s all real, stupid. Yesterday you were in the canyon. Today you’re on the bus. And the song? Well that’s Bumba playing around with Footprints in the Snow. And that was last week. It ain’t so complicated.”

“Oh,” I said.

“It’s true,” continued the voice, “that this material world is mostly space. The impression of solidity is an illusion. Even the matter in the universe, those little atoms that are comprising the large molecules of your body are essentially waves.  Even the bus is composed of atoms that are not really there.”

“Oh well,” I replied. “That explains the long waits.”