Sunday Magazine June 29, 2014

Welcome to this week’s Sunday Magazine Section

This week Bumbastories Sunday Magazine features:

Another George Packard Report about a Carl’s Jr. construction site

A Raymond Chandler-like detective story about an L.A. Private Eye

An Illustrated poem 

An Art Review

And a song.

So relax. Loosen your seatbelts, take off your socks and shoes……..Well, maybe you should leave your shoes on……



George Packard Report

George Packard, roving reporter for Bumbastories was out on his bicycle again. Roving the streets of Los Angeles, Packard was looking for a big story, breaking news, a journalistic coup de grace, a scoop. After some time pedalling and combing the streets, George stopped at the Yogurtland for a frozen yogurt. It was soft-serve and quite delicious. No scoop, though.

It wasn’t long, though, before George was back on the bike. Roving again, combing the streets, looking for another scoop – or at least a garage sale. George headed toward the site of a potential scoop that he had started to investigate two weeks earlier. It was the Carl’s on Fairfax and Olympic, and they were remodelling. George personally thought this was a major news story, as he knew that Carl’s quite well. Quite well indeed. However, he was well aware that this story was not a scoop. George Packard, retired schoolteacher and roving reporter, still maintained a modicum of contact with what is called reality.

They had razed everything and were now building a new Carl’s from scratch. Imagine that! George had wondered how they had disposed of all the rubble from the old restaurant. Much of it must have been highly combustible! George considered the quantities of Carl’s frying oil smoke that must have permeated that fine timber or fiberboard over all the years. George stopped to consider all that poly-unsaturated and polysaturated smoke from all those french fries, chicken nuggets, Carl’s Famous Catch fish sandwiches, not to mention the onion rings! George tried to think of something else.

IMG_1655As George Packard observed the progress made in the construction, it seemed to him that Carl’s was maintaining the high standards of structural integrity we’ve come to expect from the company of the Carl’s Famous Big Star and the Carl’s Six-Dollar-Burger. George Packard felt confident in the future of America.IMG_1654









An Illustrated Poem


The sound of the fountain


The impacts of the accelerating droplets of water

Create a clatter

With no rhythmic pattern

Just a continual patter

The water drops falling where they may


A circle is formed – a band – of splashing

And from these random impacts of water

Regular waves emerge

The water molecules amass patterns IMG_1635

That eventually reverberate








IMG_1581A song with a very urgent message, a sappy but very beautiful Bee Gees song that Bumba and Maybank keep trying to get right. Got To Get A Message To You. Sing along if you know it, sing along even if you don’t.


A Detective Story: Ted Morris, L.A. Private Eye

Ted Morris of the Los Angeles Private Investigations Agency examined the house across the street. IMG_1646The woman – Angelina Montez was her name – for whom he had been combing the streets of old Los Angeles for the past three weeks, had just walked in the door. Ted Morris stopped walking and stood still in the middle of this quiet street in this pleasant L.A. neighborhood, and gazed casually at the very lovely little house that this most dangerous of women had entered.
She probably won’t be long, thought Morris. It’s just a delivery after all.

Ted Morris, Private Eye, moved further up the street to wait.

When she emerged from the building half hour later she was accompanied by a young buck with greased-back hair, a long, wiry fellow, who looked both ways furtively as they stepped out onto the sidewalk and began to walk briskly, arm in arm, up 8th Street. IMG_1645

Morris followed at a distance of course.

Story to be continued……



A Bumbastories Art Review

I myself drew the assignment. The Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA) this week opened its new exhibition Expressionism in Germany and France: From Van Gogh to Kandinsky – a superlative review of the post-Impressionist and Expressionist art of Germany and France of the early 20th century. Nearly all the works presented were strongly influenced by the discovery, at the turn of the century, of Vincent Van Gogh’s amazing body of work.
This rich and varied review features several Van Goghs which this writer had not seen before – which is always a great treat. The wide collection of German and French impressionists and German Expressionists includes a magnetic Paul Klee, several wonderful Kandinskys, some fine Gaugains and Kirchners. In short, a great exhibit, which Bumbastories strongly recommends to anyone within striking distance of the L.A. basin.

More on the exhibit next week.

Wishing one and all a good week……

The Bumbastories Sunday Magazine Section

The Bumbastories Weekly Magazine – Sunday Edition

HUH??? What’s this? First you say it’s an Every Day Another Story blog. Now you’re talking once a week? What’s the story, Bumba?

The following is a once-a-week literary (well, not so literary), humorous (funny might be too strong a word), illumunating and enlightening (Hey, take it easy!) magazine sort of blog with a couple of informative articles, a few pictures, some musical accompaniment……..

Presenting Bumbastories’ Sunday Special. Start off your read with some music recorded by Bumba and Maybank

This week’s Edition of Bumbastories’ Sunday Special – a Weekly Magazine – the first and perhaps the last issue of 2014-


A Bumbastories Science Report – An actual Refutation of Newton’s Law of Gravitation!

An As I Sat On The Bus contribution by George Packard.

Two Poems – Yikes!!!

A Picture by Max Ernst


Los Angeles Buses Defy Newton’s Law of Gravitation

By Bumba on March 8, 2014 | Edit

According to Newton’s Law of Gravitation, the gravitational attraction between two objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the distance between them squared. Or, G=m1m2/d2.

So, the farther away two things are from each other, the weaker the gravitational force. Right?


Los Angeles buses defy Isaac Newton’s universal – and heretofore-thought-inviolable principle of physics. MTA buses, supposedly spaced across the space-time continuum by the “bus schedule” to run at intervals of up to 20-30 minutes, appear together amazingly often. These buses, spaced evenly by the schedule along their long routes, somehow wind up travelling together! The evidence is overwhelming, and clearly speaks to this fact of MTA reality: the buses cluster, they group, they travel in pairs, even in convoys.images-1 images-5 images-6 images

Newton must be turning over in his grave – or mausoleum – in Westminster Abbey. (And then we’d only have to bury him again!)

What possible explanation can there be for this mass transportation pairing and clustering? Physicists are puzzled.images-2

Is it perhaps some special esoteric energy generated by the Los Angeles/Southland basin – some underground tectonic plate effect? Or are we witnessing a manifestation of dark energy?

Bumbastories, in a fine piece of investigative journalism, investigated the problem last year. A simple, but admittedly silly, explanation was proposed. In short, a socialization instinct, indeed a sexual drive, was ascribed to the buses.

In any case, as the universe expands, as the matter from the Big Bang disperses and entropy increases, we wonder whether the expansion will ever stop. How can the expansion be reversed? Perhaps Einstein’s cosmological constant is actually the MTA bus system. The jury is out – or perhaps they’re late. That’s right, they’re waiting for the bus!


As I Sat On The Bus (AISOTB #33) by George Packard

By Bumba on March 8, 2014 | Edit

George Packard was back on his bike again.
Yup. George had drawn yet another of those As I Sat On the Bus assignments.
George didn’t mind. As a roving reporter for Bumbastories, he was always roving around anyway, performing his various assigned roving tasks, and …… well, it was pretty easy to spin out one of these AISOTB thingies.
So thought George Packard.

As a somewhat concerned and involved citizen of the City Los Angeles as well as the County of L.A., George wished to tip his hat to whatever gov’t agency it is that has been slowly and gradually painting bicycle lanes on the streets of the city.
“It helps. It saves lives,” thought George. IMG_1394 IMG_1392

“Also,” George considered, “if it were safer to ride a bicycle around town, a lot of people would chose the bicycle over the car as a way of getting around – at least part of the time.
“I’d bet a lot of people would be riding their bicycles to work and the like if they had decent, safe bicycle lanes,” said George Packard to himself.

In further AISOTB deliberations George Packard asked himself:
“And do I really have to sit on the bus today to post an AISOTB post? I could just as easily insert an old photo taken weeks ago. Nobody would know the difference. Bumba has a ton of them stored on his Cloud thing…..”

“No. That would be cheating. It wouldn’t be ethical….. Hmmm.” IMG_1364

Two Poems

By Bumba on March 8, 2014 | Edit


Enjoy the Beauty I

Enjoy the beauty of the day
The majesty unfolded
The water rushing through the valleys
Where we lingered
The silence of the sun
On a September morn
A song to you
Unsung but
Burning still


Enjoy the Beauty II

Enjoy the beauty
Of unfulfilled love
You dream…..
And remember yet

The grace

Of a love fulfilled
And then it all disappeared

In the chill of the late afternoon
You walk through the fallen leaves.

Posted in: Poems | Tagged: , ,
Symmetry, Balance, Beauty, and Max ErnstIMG_1384imagesimages-3IMG_1384

To Odysseus


Ah Odysseus, what cruel punishment did Kronos’ son,
wrathful and lonely god of the great seas cast upon you?
And for what?

Ah, high, noble Odysseus, resourceful and brave sacker of cities
What has brought you down so low
and so hard-worn?
Were it only for your foolish conceit, your hubris!

Yes, in arrogance laughing at the gods,
you did shout your name to the blinded cyclops.
(you didn’t need to do that, oh resourceful one)

Ach. So it was that Poseidon did hear-tell from his gruesome, goat-eating son.
And now did cast you, brave Ullysses, out again.
Upon the wine-colored sea
Exiled and yearning for home

Ach Odysseus
So brave
So beloved of the gods
May you find your way home at last

A song to Henry Miller

A song to Henry Miller
To setting out on the road
To the spirit in the glass
And to the hand that raises it

To the future shining
Like the light of the sun upon us

To the days gone by
To their continuation
In us and all of ours

And the days go on
The years they pass by
And the end is nearing
Yet it is not

So raise your glass again
To setting out on the road
To setting out on the light.