Friday Fictioneers

This Friday’s photo prompt for the Friday Fictioneers courtesy of R.W. is this bar:

Magruder sat at the downtown bar room. It was already 3:30 in the afternoon. He had yet to make a sale.
Magruder was tired. His feet hurt.
The vacuum cleaner business wasn’t what it used to be, but what was?
People would ask him: “How’s the vacuum business, Mac?”
Magruder would respond:
“The vacuum business? It sucks! Ha Ha”.
Old joke, but what the heck. It was true.
He smiled to himself and slugged down his beer.
What a business! What a life!
Magruder looked across the room at the bar maid. She wasn’t a bad looker. Maybe later.

Author: Bumba

Shown on a recent visit to the Big Apple, Bumba has written two literary novels and has recorded two CD soundtrack albums to accompany them. Check it out on Bumba Books.

19 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers”

  1. What a charmer… the type of man that would use one-liners to try and pick up ladies far too young and beautiful — annoying in real life, a delight in fiction.
    Cheers, darling!

  2. Magruder was thinking of giving the bar maid a little demonstration of his product later after fortifying himself, I take it. Bars have a way of pumping air back into the vacuums of our lives. Randy

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