The Bicycle —–Friday Fictioneers’ Challenge

This week’s Friday Fictioneers 100 word prompt is this bicycle. I couldn’t think of much of a story so I threw in a song to soften the blow. It’s one I’ve been working on called Morning Blues Again.

James regarded his old bicycle. Someone had clipped his brake cables. Son of a bitch! Why? Why? Why would anyone want to do that? It was just meanness. Plain old meanness, that’s what it was. There goes his morning, his plans for a ride to the beach. Damn it!

Well, there was no sense getting all worked up about it. There was nothing to be done for it. Except ride home real careful, get a new cable at Jim’s bike store on the way. Fix the damn bike again.

Such were the vicissitudes of city life. James was getting tired of all these vicissitudes. He pedalled home slowly, carefully. What a morning!

Author: Bumba

Shown on a recent visit to the Big Apple, Bumba has written two literary novels and has recorded two CD soundtrack albums to accompany them. Check it out on Bumba Books.

18 thoughts on “The Bicycle —–Friday Fictioneers’ Challenge”

  1. “Bumba a day and the Blues will stay!!” Do you like Tom Waits? Saw him in Detroit in 1981 and in Minneapolis in 1989…and of course had the records 🙂 “The Piano has Been Drinking”…”Hope that I Don’t Fall in Love With You”…so many favs…

    1. Thank you and thank you for visiting. I’ve heard Tom Waits a bit and he’s quite good of course. I’ll have to check him out again.

  2. Enjoyed this. This feels like an episode in a bigger story and I have a feeling that James is going to ‘blow’ soon. It reminds me of the Michael Douglas film ‘Falling Down’.

    1. Thanks Rochelle. I like the song. Sometimes I think I’m coming up with something new, but with the blues there’s notheing new.

  3. Vicissitudes. You just can’t get away from then nowadays.
    I think the language and pace of this really brought out his frustrations and low-key anger. I feel for him.

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